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An Evolving Transformation — Introducing a New Chapter

Writer: My Mate MarvMy Mate Marv

Dear Readers,

It’s been a while since I last shared my thoughts and musings with you, and I want to start by expressing my gratitude for your patience and interest. The past few months have been a period of deep reflection, exploration, and growth — a true voyage of discovery.

You can catch up on what's being going on with and around me since our wedding by reading:

Today, I’m excited to share something a bit more specific that has been unfolding during this time, as well as a new approach to how I’ll be sharing my journey with you moving forward.

Pivot: A Change in Direction

In keeping with the original objective of ...

... a space born from a blend of deep unsettlement and raw excitement, reflective of the turbulent times we find ourselves in.  As the relentless march of technology propels us forward, our contemplations delve into the ever-evolving landscape of consciousness, intelligence, and animated life on earth as we know it...

,,, my work has historically centred around digital transformation. However, reflections have led me to realize that my passion lies more so in the realm of people and culture, and my career to this point has led me to a professional sweet spot in the intersection of people and technology.

This realization has sparked a significant shift in my focus: moving away from purely digital transformation to what I now call...

"facilitated people and technology evolution"

This isn’t just a superficial change in terminology — it’s a fundamental reorientation of how I approach my work and my life. I’ve come to understand that technology, while powerful, is only as effective as the culture and human connections that surround it. My mission has evolved to reflect this understanding:

"Our mission is to partner with clients to co-create a culture that adapts to an ever-changing world, balancing human depth with technological efficiency. We prioritize human needs in technology evolution, reinforcing meaningful connections while sparking innovation and creativity."

A Fellowship: Some Old Friends

This journey has also led to a key shift in how I operate. I am now working closely with two colleagues and dear friends whom I’ve known and loved for many years. Together, we’ve been exploring ways to collaborate in support of our respective aspirations while addressing our shared concerns. It turns out that we share a remarkably similar set of goals and values, as well as a unique blend of skills that complement each other wonderfully. I’ll be introducing them to you shortly, but for now, I’m thrilled to share that we’re joining forces to bring this vision to life. I'll introduce to you them in due course.

Our Charter: Guiding Principles for the Journey Ahead

To keep us on track, we’ve established a set of guiding principles that reflect our values and how we intend to navigate the path ahead. These principles aren’t just abstract ideas—they’re actionable commitments that we hold ourselves to every day:

  • Turn Up: We are here, present, and committed. We respect our time and each other’s time, and we hold ourselves accountable to our commitments.

  • Tune In: We strive to be in tune with our true intentions and values, fostering honesty, courage, and compassion in our actions and communications.

  • Turn On: We believe in the power of small, consistent actions. We create opportunities for value, empowering those who work for good, not just profit.

  • Keep Track: We leave traces of our work—clear records that allow us to learn, grow, and evolve continuously.

A New Approach to Writing

One of the most exciting aspects of this new direction is a change in how I’ll be sharing my thoughts and ideas with you.

Originally, I intended for this space to be one where we can wonder aloud... and often, that means being troubled aloud.

I've spent the last 3-4 weeks wrestling with a particularly personal piece that evolved into many threads. I've learnt that I can fall into a rabbit hole when wrestling with such complex and deeply rooted concepts. This stopped the "aloud" part from happening.

I ended up sharing what I had written with Abi, and a couple of close friends - I was troubled aloud but amongst a more private audience. This was so helpful. In actual fact, it proved testament a little bit of what I suspect and hope to continue developing. That sharing our troubles in a trusted community of diverse friends and neighbours can be deeply therapeutic and healing.

I’ve learnt wunder'ings are incremental, not instant. Ideas evolve over time, and some of the most valuable insights come from sharing thoughts as they emerge.

So, moving forward, I’ll be breaking my thoughts down into smaller, more digestible pieces and sharing them incrementally.

By sharing my journey in this way, I hope to invite you into a more interactive and evolving dialogue—one where we can explore ideas together as they take shape. This new approach isn’t just about content creation; it’s about co-creation, where your insights and reflections are as valuable as the thoughts I share.

What to Expect Next

In the coming weeks, you’ll start to see more frequent posts from me—shorter, perhaps, but more focused on the process of discovery. I’ll be sharing insights from our ongoing business developments, reflections on the intersection of technology and human culture, and updates on how our guiding principles are shaping our work.

I'll also be doing my best to make space for those concepts that are closest to my heart. The more esoteric and cultural aspects of my journey; venturing into the psychological and symbolic realms.

Thank you for being part of this journey. Your engagement and feedback have always been invaluable to me, and I’m excited to embark on this new chapter with you.

Here’s to new beginnings and the exploration of uncharted territories!

With gratitude and excitement,

Your Mate Marv


Richie Taylor
Richie Taylor
Aug 20, 2024

Love it. It totally made me smile :)

My Mate Marv
My Mate Marv
Aug 21, 2024
Replying to

Your smile makes me smile :)

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