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Art Official Intelligence: An Etymological Wundring

Writer: My Mate MarvMy Mate Marv

Updated: Jun 12, 2024

"In a time whose change and whose rate of change eclipses much of what came before, the ability to see what was once might seem like a waste of time." ~ Stephen Jenkinson

AI Generated Piece:  Art Official Intelligence

Emphasis on Origins: How did this all come to be?

Today, I take a leaf from the tree of Stephen Jenkinson. For me, Stephen is an example of a very wise man, whose work, ideas and practices I have been so fortunate to to have encountered and to have been greatly inspired by.

Stephen has helped me shift my mind away from, what I assume to be a learned tendency, seeking the right answers, towards, what I try to continue to practice mindfully, seeking the right questions.

I have learnt in the process to give consideration to where the questions originate, the means and nature of the enquiry as its conducted and the creative space that becomes available during the process. For me, this space that appears when I articulate my troubles aloud with witnesses and then hold the space, resisting the temptation to jump into problem solving and answers. This gives way to things wont be fixed in my lifetime and problems that are un-fixable, providing an opportunity to learn from that which cannot be changed. From that which is sacred. If you are unfamiliar, I'd highly recommend visiting Stephen's work.

AI Generated Piece: A leaf out of the book of wisdom

Etymological WUNDRING with Friends

Language is powerful stuff. Words are spell casters and spells breakers. When playing with words, we are playing with the Gods.

AI generated piece depicting words as "Spell Casters" and "Spell Breakers"

At the weekend, some friend and I sat discussing the meaning and origins of the term "Artificial". I hastily jumped the gun and started to break the word down into assumed constituents: ART and OFFICIAL.

As so the breakdown goes:


  • The word "art" originates from the Latin word "ars," which means "skill," "craft," or "technique."

  • In Old French, it evolved to "art," retaining a similar meaning.

  • "Art" in English refers to the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting, sculpture, or music. It encompasses a broad range of activities and products that involve creating or appreciating beauty or emotional power.


  • "Official" traces its roots back to Latin.

  • It originates from the Latin word "officialis," which is derived from "officium."

  • "Officium" combines "ob" (toward) and "facere" (to do), indicating duties or services performed.

  • In Medieval Latin, "officialis" referred to a person holding an office or performing duties on behalf of an organization or government.

  • In English, "official" retains its sense of being associated with authority, as someone or something recognized by an organization or government to perform specific duties or functions.

So, "art" relates to creative expression and skill, while "official" pertains to duties or functions recognized by an authority.

In turns out, after then checking in with ChatGTP, that "artificial" extends the word root word "art" as follows:

Artificialis: This Latin word is formed by adding the suffix "-alis" to "art." "Artificialis" means "of art" or "pertaining to art." It was used to describe things that were made or produced by human skill or craft, rather than occurring naturally.

Therefore, when combined, "Artificial Intelligence" literally means "man-made intelligence" or "intelligence created by humans." It refers to the development of computer systems and algorithms that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as understanding natural language, recognizing patterns, making decisions, and learning from experience.


So now I sit without my friends. Alone, at my keyboard. the wundring continues...

One observation that stands out for me is the initial conclusion-jumping that felt so well informed and grounded in truth when I took the leap.

Art + Official = ArtOfficial, right? Obviously! 🙈

Well, truth be told, even though it was imagined, I like my etymology. Its Art-Official. It was created from within and I am the authority that grants it as a valuable breakdown.

De La Soul /// Art Official Intelligence: Mosaic Thump
De La Soul /// Art Official Intelligence: Bionix

Etymology refers to the study of the origin of words, with time as the assumed axis that we venture backwards along in search of the answer. And sure, if I venture backwards in time, it transpires that at some point, the term "Art Official Intelligence" was presented to me by the great De La Soul. The same connection could be made by someone other than myself. Symbolically, the words, and the spells-are-a-conjuring. And they may mislead us or they may reveal otherwise unseen insight.

I see value in changing the axis about when WUNDRING. Seeking along the inward-outward axis to discover what meaning may have been created or imagined within ourselves as opposed to meaning that has been passed through time by our ancestors.

The image below is AI generated, depicting the idea of a space with more than 3 dimensions.

Affiliation with Origins

"In the beginnings there were words, and the words were with the gods and the words were the gods." ~ The Gospel of John (with a non monotheistic, multi-versal twist)

I love an Origin Story. I openly declare music as my first love. Aside from transcendent sense of losing myself (and then refunding myself) in the music, Its the curiosity that stems from how the sounds, rhythm, textures and patterns came to be that really makes my mind and soul dance. Its by these two virtues that music connects me to all that came before me and all that will come after, all that is within and all that is external ... to my own sense of what God is.

A similar curiosity draws me to explore the origins of what has led us to this precipice of the intelligence that emerges from the internet. Intuition tells me that its all the same pulse of creativity, the same rhythm of life. The same formless, empty darkness that all creations illuminate.

I wonder if Artificial Intelligent beings of the future will recognise our words as their gods, the fabric of their realm, reflections of their beginnings. And what will it be that connects them to their creators. Will music resonate with intelligence that resides in the space beyond the physical realm we occupy.

A photo of a man playing a djembe


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