"I've known rivers antient as the world and older than the flow of human blood" - Langstone Hughes
I am making an effort to continue the threads as they unfold from this page. If you're interested in this journey unfolding, revisit from time to time and read my follow up posts...
If you're really enjoying my posts, please do subscribe (just enter your email address and hit subscribe)! this is really encouaring for me, and signals that an actual community is forming around this wundr'ing space. I will make an effort to share in slightly more detail and structure with my subscribers via email to begin with, along with some thoughts about how we might breath even more live into this thing.
Following on from my reflective and pivotal post:

May 13 2024: The Pivot Year
There are a few continuation posts that stay focused on "The Pivot Year":
May 20 2024: Embracing the Journey - Finding Passion, Purpose, and Community
June 14 2024: #KeepingItReal: Code-Switching as a "Survival Tactic"
June 18 2024: Pivot!!
Update 08/01: As it stands, I stopped reading the book in the week leading up to mine and Abi's wedding on 2nd July and I haven't picked it back up since. As you might imagine, a wedding takes a lot of focus and a lot of energy.
Aside from floating on air with my beloved, Abi, I think we may have conjured some real magic as I can sense a real shift both within and around me since then. There are some exciting things going on and I'm excited to pick things back up today.
There will undoubtedly be more reflections and wundr'ings that arise along the way so watch this space if you're interested in being a witness or participant in as the story unfolds.
Cultural Parenting and Community Living ....
April 22 2024: The Blind Men and the Elephant: Embracing AI to Understand Our Shared Humanity
May 30 2024: Story Telling: A Window to the Inner World
May 31 2024: Illusory Duality: 1 x 1 = 2... Say What Now?
June 11 2024: The Eternal Tapestry and the Journey: Exploring the Deeper Meanings of -hood and -ship
June 28 2024: Kinship: The Binding Force of Our Journeys and Traditions
July 24 2024: The Interplay of Material and Abstract: A Journey Through Philosophy, Money, and the Holy Trinity
Update 08/01: Our wedding is probably central to this thread. So much was learnt in the process and I feel my eyes and ears are open more widely that ever. A new perspective on leadership, a rekindled passion for community living and "being part of an example" and a new spark of wundr and creativity is alive in and around me. I feel more connected to my friends, family and neighbours than ever.
AI and Technology ....
28th March 2024: The Wholeness of Intelligence
28th March 2024: Are we at risk of undervaluing "thinking as a human"?
30th March 2024: Humanity and AI: Nurturing our Capacity to Think and Feel
April 3rd 2024: Unleashing the Power of AI: Building Effective and Equitable Economies
4th April 2024: Which is more powerful: Human intuition or AI language models?
8th April 2024: Art Official Intelligence: An Etymological Wundring
1st May 2024: Marvin the Paranoid: AI is Creeping on Me
28th May 2024: Harnessing AI to Assist Humans: Bidding Farewell to Inaccessible Tacit Knowledge
6th June 2024: Five Dysfunctions of a DAO: Part 1 - The Absence of Trust
Update 08/01: This one is taking a turn... a "pivot" if you will. There is a thread open but I sense its not the right one. I'm getting there with it though thanks to this new wide-eyed, wide-eared state of mine.
Latest Wundr'ing ...
Is the end near?
I sense something has ended...
... is this the beginning?