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Illusory Duality: 1 x 1 = 2... Say What Now?

Writer: My Mate MarvMy Mate Marv

Duality is a concept that permeates our understanding of the universe, manifesting in everything from light and dark to the balance between masculine and feminine energies. Recently, my contemplation on duality was reignited by Terrance Howard’s unconventional mathematical proposition that 1 x 1 = 2.

As it stands, I'm not bought into the concept that 1 x 1 = 2 but it does lead me to realise that the maths that I have been taught and base my understanding of the world is not necessarily an absolutely flawless framework and I am excited at the perspective of considering different mathematics to explore different ways of understanding, observing and modelling the world.

On that note, I've been conducting thought experiments based on 1 x 1 = 1 ^ -1 (I wonder if Terrance with give me a $1,000,000 🤔😂).

He also shed light on a view of the universe which seems to offer a curved or feminine perspective on reality, contrasts sharply with the traditionally masculine Pythagorean view. "There are no straight lines". This actually really resonates with and intuitively, I've found myself arguing this perspective many times from as early as 15 years old.

All of this was shared in a recent discussion with Joe Rogan. If you're interested in diving into all of this, I recommend watching the discussion however, I warn you, its circa 3 hour long mind bending journey so it takes some commitment.

Rather than seeing these perspectives as mutually exclusive, I propose that they are complementary, each offering unique insights into the nature of reality. This post explores these perspectives through the lens of Hermetic principles, which suggest that all is mental and thus fluid and multifaceted.

Hermetic, Pythagorean and Confucian Perspectives

The Pythagorean tradition, named after the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras, has profoundly influenced Western thought. Pythagoras believed that numbers and mathematical relationships underpin the structure of the universe. His emphasis on order, symmetry, and logical precision reflects a distinctly masculine archetype, characterized by control and predictability.

Hermetic philosophy, rooted in ancient Egyptian and Greek thought, proposes that the universe is fundamentally mental—everything is a manifestation of consciousness. One of the key Hermetic principles is mentalism, which suggests that reality is a mental construct. This view encourages a more fluid and dynamic understanding of existence, one that accommodates multiple perspectives and the interplay of seemingly opposing forces.

Duality is a common theme across cultures. In Chinese Confucian philosophy, for instance, the concept of yin and yang represents the interdependence of opposites. Similarly, many indigenous cultures perceive the world as a balance between complementary forces. These perspectives align with the Hermetic view that duality is an illusion, masking a deeper unity.

Terrance Howard’s Mathematical Perspective

What make's Terrance Howard’s assertion that 1 x 1 equals 2 so difficult to digest is that it challenges the foundational principles of arithmetic. Howard suggests that this perspective better reflects the interconnectedness and dynamism of reality. While traditional mathematics views multiplication as a straightforward process of scaling, Howard’s view introduces a concept of growth and expansion, akin to the feminine principle of creation and nurturing.

Comparing Howard’s perspective with the traditional Pythagorean view highlights significant differences. Pythagorean mathematics values stability and predictability, while Howard’s approach suggests a more organic, evolving process. This contrast mirrors the broader tension between masculine and feminine archetypes in philosophy and culture.

If we consider Howard’s perspective, reality itself may be more flexible and interconnected than traditionally thought. This view challenges the rigid boundaries imposed by conventional arithmetic and invites us to reconsider our understanding of growth, expansion, and interaction in the natural world.

The Masculine and Feminine Archetypes

The masculine archetype is often associated with order, logic, and control, while the feminine archetype embodies fluidity, intuition, and interconnectedness. These archetypes are not confined to gender but represent broader principles that can be found in various aspects of life.

Traditional mathematics, with its emphasis on fixed principles and precise calculations, can be seen as reflecting masculine traits. Howard’s approach, which embraces a more holistic and interconnected view, aligns with feminine traits. Recognizing these archetypal influences allows us to appreciate the diversity of perspectives in understanding reality.

I am suspicious that the dominance of masculine archetypes in mathematics and science has contributed to hierarchical and patriarchal structures in society. By integrating more feminine perspectives, we can move towards a more balanced and inclusive worldview, recognizing the value of both order and fluidity.

The Illusion of Separation

Hermetic philosophy teaches that duality is an illusion, a manifestation of the mental nature of reality. According to the "principle of mentalism", all distinctions and oppositions are ultimately reconciled in the unity of consciousness.

Embracing unity within diversity means recognizing that different perspectives can coexist and complement each other. The apparent contradiction between 1 x 1 = 2 and 1 x 1 = 1 can be understood as different expressions of the same underlying truth, reflecting the dynamic interplay of dualities.

This holistic view can have practical applications in various fields. In science, it can inspire more integrative approaches that consider both quantitative and qualitative aspects. In art and spirituality, it can foster a deeper appreciation of the interconnectedness of all things.

Thought Experiments

Consider a thought experiment where Howard’s multiplication principle is applied to biological growth. In nature, the combination of two entities often results in something greater than the sum of its parts, reflecting an expansive and generative process.

Myths and stories from various cultures often embody the balance of dualities. For example, many creation myths involve the union of opposites to bring forth the world. These narratives can offer valuable insights into the harmonious coexistence of complementary forces.

Reflecting on personal experiences where embracing both masculine and feminine perspectives has led to greater understanding or creativity can illustrate the practical benefits of this balanced approach.

A Call to Wundr

The exploration of duality through Hermetic principles and contrasting mathematical perspectives reveals the value of embracing multiple viewpoints. Both the masculine and feminine archetypes have their place in our understanding of reality.

I invite you to maintain a sense of wonder and openness to different perspectives. By doing so, we can enrich our understanding of the universe and ourselves.

There are many areas for further exploration, such as the implications of these ideas in other scientific fields, their representation in art and literature, and their impact on social and cultural paradigms.

What are your thoughts on the interplay of dualities in your life? Have you encountered situations where embracing a complementary perspective has enriched your understanding? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

For those interested in delving deeper into these topics, I recommend exploring works on Hermetic philosophy, Pythagorean mathematics, and the intersection of science and spirituality.

I also invite you to contribute your own perspectives or experiences related to the themes explored in this post. Together, we can continue this journey of shared wonder and deeper understanding.

By following this structure, we can create a rich and engaging exploration of the illusion of duality, inviting readers to join us in a journey of public wondering and deeper understanding.


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