My sister was gifted a book during a training session she attended. She generously passed this gift on to me sensing that it was my time to read it rather than hers. This book was The Pivot Year by Brianna Wiest.
Day 1:
"The courage with which you enter today will become the fate that you meet tomorrow. Will you continue to replay the memories of yesterday, or will you meet the moment and make the most of what is in front of you now? Not so that you might force your will upon your fate, but arrive fully into each moment as its presented to you. Not to build a clean, one line story, but to create a mosaic of experience — ever-forming, ever-evolving, ever-unfolding, as what's within unravels into reality, revealing at least the fragment of the universe that came to be known through you at this exact time, in this exact place, in this exact form. You are exactly where you need to be. This is the perfect day to stary your life again."
Billed as "a book of 365 daily meditations on finding the courage to become who you’ve always wanted to be...", I've found the book to be (so far) an extremely helpful companion in combatting the fear that comes with new horizons and unchartered territory. I am determined to avoid travelling the easy and familiar road; a road constrained by job titles and roles I am proven in. I can't afford for my next chapter to be dictated by the voice in my head that is scared of failure and rejection, a voice that has been amplified by finding myself in slap bang in the middle of the acoustic throws of "Where am I?", "How did I get here?", "And how will I make it back to stability?". Instead I must find both patience and courage to pause and listen for signs that will employ bravery, passion and my own sense of purpose to hold the pen and write what comes next.
What led me to become a "technology specialist"?
Day 10:
"The journey is not how you place down what's weighing on you, but how you learn to stop picking it up. Not when you decide to stop, but the strength of your resolve not to begin again - with the habits, the people, the thoughts, the behaviours that you know can only lead to your own self-destruction. It's how you release your familiar unhappiness, how you decide you've outgrown the emotional crutches that have soothed you and distracted you and held you when you most needed it. How you move forward is what you begin to reach for in their place."

On 19th August 2002, my first daughter Jada came into the world. I was 18 years old. At that point in life, I was struggling to apply myself and was in the tactical mode of ducking and diving whatever the world threw at me. I knew music was my passion but my family and my responsibility to fatherhood outweighed the allure of music. When I learned Jada would be born, it led me to give up my aspirations to find a space in the music industry and I pivoted over to technology; jacking in my degree in Entertainment Technology, to study Computer Science. After completing my degree, I took my first job as a Junior Software Engineer for a small, family run company called Fortek. By this time, my 2 daughters, Jada and Tiana, were 5 and 4 years old.
After a further 2 years of working very hard, I had finally arrived at a point in my life where I felt I could pay my way. I could provide. Surely, from here, things would only get easier... Oh, and my son, Marvin Junior, was born (no rest for the wicked).
Who am I, now?
Day 12:
"Heal your relationship to the now, to the moment, to the liminal space in which your eyes can contract and see fear, or expand and realise that you are one particle in this massive day dream, and without you the fabric of the world would not hold the way it does. Release yourself into the dreamscape, and follow your heart's deepest calling, as it is leading you to the actions that will continue to weave your life into the story of humanity. Without you being here, nothing — not one single thing — would be precisely the same. you are an integral, irreplaceable thing. You came here to do what only you can."

I am Marvin Fray, a thinker. An overthinker some might proclaim. I am a father, a son, a brother, a friend. A magician, a warrior, a lover, a king. A community builder, servant, protector, leader. A musician, a singer, a dancer, a body, a voice.
I was a colleague. For Fortek, I was the lead developer of a Command and Control system that is currently deployed internationally, supporting some of the worlds most complex emergency response operations. I was Head of DevOps for SSS Public Safety, evolving people, processes and technology for mission critical solutions and services. I was Chair of Capita's Embrace Employee Network Group, facilitating diversity and inclusion activities, driving equitable organisational and cultural changes. I was spokesperson for Capita's BLM Advisory Group representing employee perspectives at the executive level and amplifying the voices of underrepresented colleagues.
But now, I am unemployed and on a journey to rediscover and redefine myself, and to make meaning of all that I've experienced thus far. From here, I hope to derive new purpose and offer myself in service from a heartfelt place of wisdom.
What do I have to offer?
Day 11:
"You do not have to be grateful for everything in your life. You do not have to be grateful for what you survived, for what you didn't know, for the lessons learned too hard. You do not have to be grateful for the unfairness, to live in a world that does not value dignity the way that it should. A world that has lost its soul. But even in the midst of the story, when you stumble upon a glimmer of appreciation, I hope you will hold on to that. I hope you will know its as real as anything else... "

Honestly? I have my broken self to offer. Up until now, life has taken a toll on me. Its been exhausting! I will gather the pieces of myself and offer them in service of the communities I am part of. Or perhaps to form new ones. More effective, sustainable, life-affirming ones.
I am a beneficiary and patron of the sacred, multi-dimensional lineage of fatherhood, brotherhood and personhood, made, lived and living in our times.
To boot, I have my experience in solving complex problems, harnessing technology effectively, building and developing effective teams, community initiatives, creating space for communities to develop and for creativity to thrive.
I also have my passion and keen interest in cultural activism, music and storytelling, technology and artificial intelligence and my deep and genuine love for humanity and nature.
What is out there for me?
Day 15:
"Declare: I will no longer participate in my own suffering. If I have not one other friend in this world, I will be my own most loyal companion. I will not turn my back on myself. If I am loved by a dozen and not one, I will not focus undue attention on gaining the love of that one. I will speak to myself with compassion. I will not spend my life engaging in things that can only bring about my own unhappiness. From this moment on, I am on my side."

Before I get into this, I must declare my absolute elation and gratitude for my loving fiancee Abi to whom I will be married on 2nd July. I have no doubt that her support, compassion and belief plays a huge part in fuelling the fire within me.
I feel entirely found in terms of my relationship with my beloved, and my place in my family. Aside from that, I feel lost. I find myself swinging in this loss — between the excitement at the prospect of adventure and the dread of never being found again.
So lets stay with the excitement and adventure... if I look out ahead, there are a number of things that excite me.
Technology Evolution and the Emergence of AGI
The rapid advancement of technology has ushered in a new era, marked by transformative innovations that continuously reshape our daily lives. Having spent 18 years at the forefront of technology, I find myself deeply intrigued by the evolution of Artificial Intelligence, particularly the impending arrival of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).
AGI represents a monumental leap in the field of AI — machines that can understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks, mirroring the cognitive abilities of humans, generating creative content at an almost inconceivable pace. This emergence holds vast potential for positive societal change:
Redefining Work and Creativity: AGI can complement human creativity by automating routine tasks and empowering us to focus on more meaningful endeavours, bridging the gap between productivity and personal fulfilment.
Personalized Solutions: From healthcare to education, AGI will revolutionize personalized services, creating tailored experiences that align with individual needs and aspirations.
Addressing Grand Challenges: By harnessing the power of AGI, we can tackle complex global challenges such as climate change, disease eradication, and sustainable development, amplifying our collective efforts to build a better future.
However, the road ahead is paved with uncertainties. Ethical concerns, potential biases, and the socioeconomic impact of widespread automation necessitate proactive leadership. We are at risk not only devaluing how we think and feel as humans but of losing our sense of what it is to be alive, and what it is to be human all together. For me, this moment is an invitation to contribute my expertise, ensuring the emergence of AGI aligns with humanity’s best interests.
Community Empowerment: Decentralised Autonomous Organisations
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) embody the spirit of grassroots activism and collective governance in the digital age. Unlike traditional organizations, DAOs operate on blockchain technology, decentralizing power structures and empowering communities to self-organize.
In exploring this domain, I see immense potential for DAOs to empower communities:
Collective Decision-Making: DAOs democratize decision-making processes, giving every member a voice and vote. This inclusivity nurtures a culture of shared responsibility and collective ownership.
Transparency and Trust: With smart contracts and blockchain, DAOs offer transparency in governance, reducing corruption and ensuring accountability in resource management.
Financial Inclusion: By enabling borderless collaboration, DAOs open opportunities for marginalized communities to participate in global initiatives, fostering equitable access to resources and support.
As a community member and trustee, I've been inspired by the Elfwoods community and initiatives and am compelled to continue working with and developing supportive, generative and functional communities. As a technology leader passionate about cultural activism, I’m drawn to the potential of DAOs in empowering communities to solve local and global challenges. Whether it’s funding local art projects or creating a digital cooperative to preserve indigenous knowledge, DAOs can redefine what empowerment and community mean in this era.
Cultural Parenting: Religion as a Verb
Religion, in its historical context, has often been viewed as a static set of beliefs and practices. However, I see religion as a living, dynamic verb—a practice that can realign myths, symbols, and motifs to the unprecedented times we live in.
Cultural Storytelling: Our myths and symbols are timeless, but their meanings can evolve. In today’s world, cultural parenting requires us to interpret these symbols in ways that resonate with contemporary values, allowing them to inspire new narratives of hope and resilience.
Community Cohesion: Religion as a verb means fostering inclusive communities that transcend dogmatic boundaries. By emphasizing shared values like compassion and empathy, we can build bridges across different faiths and beliefs, uniting people in their pursuit of a just and equitable society.
Rituals for the Modern Age: Rituals provide structure and meaning in our lives. Updating these practices to align with today’s challenges—whether environmental stewardship or social justice—can reconnect us to our shared humanity and nurture a deeper connection with nature.
Through "cultural parenting", I believe we can redefine religion not as an institution but as a proactive, evolving practice. A practice that equips us to navigate and contribute positively to these extraordinary times.
This most spiritual dimension of my "calling" has emerged from very personal experiences that are drenched in love and grief and have been recently brought to light through the medium of our wedding ceremony and build up.
Why did I write this, what am I hoping for and what do I ask of you?
Day 14:
"Move toward the people who expand your perimeter of possibilities, who believe in your potential just a little bit more than your reality. Move toward the people who remind you of the person you know you're meant to be, the ones who stretch your soul and make you feel something real. Move toward the people who remind you of what you contain, who help you fall a little more in love with life. Move toward the people who energise you more than they drain you. These little signs are not so little - they are the markers of our soulmates, in all the forms they come."

I wrote this post not just as a reflection or an update on where I stand today—unemployed, in a phase of discovery, with a burgeoning passion for technology evolution, community empowerment, and cultural activism—but as a call to arms for those who believe that the future can be shaped by deep, meaningful collaborations.
In this transitional phase, my hope is to connect with like-minded individuals and communities who see the potential in emerging technologies like AGI and decentralized autonomous organizations, and who are passionate about harnessing these tools for cultural and social empowerment. My journey is about more than finding the next opportunity; it's about creating a pathway that aligns deeply with my values where parenting and activism intersect with innovation.
Check In: Subscribe to follow my journey. I have carved out this small space on the internet to document my thoughts and developments and to engage and build a community of friends, supporters and collaborators. Staying connected means you won’t miss out on the developments and the eventual breakthroughs that come from this period of growth.
Lean In: Engage with me. Use the comments section below... even if just to let me know you're here with me to begin with. Your insights, your feedback, and your encouragement are invaluable as I navigate this uncertain yet exciting phase of exploration. If you'd like to start a private discussion, then you can reach out via my contact form.
Connect: If you know people, communities, or networks that resonate with my interests—those who are entrenched in technology, community empowerment, or cultural activism—I implore you to introduce me. Your connections could lead to potential collaborations that might just spark the next big idea.
Share Opportunities: From freelance gigs to temporary roles, from workshops to seminars, if you come across opportunities that you think might tickle my fancy, please send them my way. Especially those that align with my passion for technology and community empowerment, or those that could benefit from my skills while allowing me to remain committed to my purpose.
Support: If you are aware of grants, funding opportunities, or short-term contracts, sharing this information could significantly impact my ability to continue working independently, but collaboratively on the causes I am passionate about.
In essence, I am asking you to be part of a network of connection-makers, to support and empower each other in ways that multiply our collective impact. By expanding our perimeter of possibilities together, we can turn potential into reality, and uncertainty into action.
The sage continues...
"I've known rivers antient as the world and older than the flow of human blood" - Langstone Hughes

I am making an effort to continue the threads as they unfold from this page: I've known Rivers: Follow The Pivot Year Thread. If you're interested in this journey unfolding, revisit from time to time and read my follow up posts...
If you're really enjoying my posts, please do subscribe (just enter your email address and hit subscribe)! this is really encouaring for me, and signals that an actual community is forming around this wundr'ing space. I will make an effort to share in slightly more detail and structure with my subscribers via email to begin with, along with some thoughts about how we might breath even more live into this thing.
Hi Marv,
This is a great write-up and I love how you have somehow intertwined bits from the book 'The Pivot Year' to make some sense of the message you are trying to convey. As a result of this post, I went to buy the book and I'm glad I did. A lot of thought-provoking thoughts which helps one to dig deeper is what I get from this book, so thanks for posting this.
The other thing I just wanted to point out is that you said '.....where I stand today—unemployed...'...hmmmm I don't agree with that language. You may not currently be in paid employment at this present moment, but you are employed doing other viable things that are keepin…